Complete check up for All Diabetics
Complete check up for All Non-Diabetics ( Includes Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, Obesity)
Investigations done at Karunya Sugalaya
Investigations done at Karunya sugalaya
It is done at Harinya lab – a unit of Karunya sugalaya
Biorad D10:
HbA1c– Most important test for a diabetics to estimate the status of diabetes control over a period of last 3 to 4 months
Importance of A1c:
It is a test which estimates binding of glucose to Hemoglobin
The Report is important for the following reasons
- It is a litmus test for all diabetics to estimate the burden of high glucose in blood and other proteins in the body. Long term high glucose damages by binding to the proteins of the body and body fluids.
- It is used to predict development of diabetes even before a person becomes symptomatic
- Maintaining a near normal A1c means the chances of complications in Diabetes is less and postponed at least
- Persistent elevation means chances of complications are more
- The person cannot deceive himself or the doctor
State of art optimal temperature maintenance Tied with CMC vellore for external quality assessment scheme
Fasting Blood sugar
Postprandial Blood sugar (2 hours)
Random Blood sugar
Lipid profile: Total cholesterol
HDL –C (High Density Lipoprotein)
LDL – C (Low Density Lipoprotein) – Direct Method
Derived values like
Non-HDL Cholesterol (For this to estimate the patient need not come in fasting state)
Above parameters are tested to estimate the cardiovascular risk of a person (Chances of getting Heart problem, stroke (e.g. paralysis), leg ischemia(less blood supply to leg arteries)
Renal functions
Urine Microalbumin test – Urine Michal
Blood urea
Serum Creatinine
ECG – ElectroCardioGram
Eye Examination
Retinal Photograph by the NonMydriatic method